Monday, November 18, 2013

The Power of Patience

Patience has never been my forte, believe me, I’m learning that more and more everyday. However, I’m also learning how patience makes life much easier.
I've recently taken interest in a particular person. This person drives me crazy because he and I are so much alike...humor and all. It’s a little strange, actually; I don’t think I've ever connected with someone this quickly. I’m someone who dislikes people who’re as funny, or funnier, than I am. They steal my glory! But for some reason, he and I get along very nicely.
Now, I already know what you’re all thinking..NO, I am NOT getting married soon. I just like someone, okay? And if we do get married, then fine. But y'all have nothing to do with it, so simmer down.
Back to patience. Someday I just really want to climb on the roof and shout, “[Lover’s name], I have the biggest crush on you. And we should date. Like now. Okay, bye.” I just want to tell him so badly that I like him. I want to make him date me. I don’t want anyone else to get in my way!  But this is one of those instances that patience would make my life a lot easier. Let me emphasize that a little more. In this instance, PATIENCE WILL MAKE MY LIFE EASIER.
So I've decided to let it be.
But at the same time, what if he doesn't like me as much as I like him? What if he were to date me because of social pressure? What if a prettier girl comes in and sweeps him off his feet? OH HAAALE NO! I've gotta make him mine so that doesn't happen! Just kidding. Who am I kidding? I’m not kidding. I’m being completely serious.
I can’t be patient!
But I have to be, I don't want to scare anyone (cough cough) away.
You know that quote from Dr. Seuss? The one that talks about how you don’t sleep because your reality is finally better than your dreams? Well, ladies and gents, that’s my life in a nutshell. Before the beginning of this month, I was sleeping all of the time. I would even sleep through my classes! That doesn't feel very good. As much as you think you’d love to sleep as much as I was, it wasn't good. I slept too much. I missed everything I have now that I could have had before. Sleeping had the ability to make me forget about everything. Everything. Of course most of you already know this about me, but I really struggle with my weight. It’s really hard to see girls who can eat literally almost anything they want and not gain an ounce. Me on the other hand...I can’t eat an apple without gaining weight! Sleep allowed me to not have to worry about anything, especially those insecurities. While that sounds glorious, that’s a very dangerous place to be. When you don’t worry, it shows you don’t care. And that’s what scared me. 
So, I decided I would change.
But I've recently made some awesome friends. And things are really looking up.
That reminds me. I was talking to a very good friend the other day, and he reminded me that you don’t have to be skinny to be fabulous. He is the best. And he knows who he is. If you’re reading this, just know you said the right thing at the right time. Love you!
I’m happy.
Very happy.
You know, honestly, I’m happier because I’m living for myself. And I've decided I’m not going to be anything less than my best self. If you don’t like me, I don’t care. I can’t change the way you feel about me, but I can change the way I feel about me. And I feel good. 
It’s good to be me.

Also, I have decided on a psychology major. I'm going to minor in English

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Island Andventures

This last week was an eventful one.
My friend Tenika and I went on a bus ride to Honolulu, which by the way was the longest bus ride of my life. At least I only had to pay $2.50. But the bus ride took two and a half hours, and of course I decided to go during rush hour traffic, but still. Longest bus ride ever. In fact, it was so long that I almost forgot why I went in the first place. Wal-Mart. I don't even like Wal-Mart that much, but I needed a new bike. The first bike I bought had a faulty chain. And I wanted a bike that would last longer. But, in case you're wondering, I got my new bike. It is orange and silver, and I love it. After Wal-Mart, we had to take the agonizing bus ride back to Laie, and I swear this bus ride back took so much longer, but it was shorter. I really just wanted to ride my new bike.
(The picture was taken from a really weird angle. It's bigger than you'd think. It fits me perfectly:)

One of my favorite things about Hawaii is the people. The people here have such a positive attitude towards life even if they have almost nothing. It's so comforting to know everything will be okay as long as I try to stay positive and happy. I've really been trying to focus on keeping myself happy, regardless of what others may think of me. I advise everyone to live in Hawaii for just a little bit. The scenery is so therapeutic.

Do you know what else I love about Hawaii? The weather. Of course everyone says that, but the weather here is even more bipolar than Utah weather. People from Utah always complain how the weather changes so much in one day. Try living in Hawaii. It will be the sunniest day you've ever seen. Then two minutes later, it's pouring rain. Hard, but warm rain. The rain here feels so much better than rain anywhere else. Here, it rains while it's still sunny outside. It's my favorite feeling ever!

Last Saturday seemed like the perfect beach day. The sun shining, the birds singing. Then when my roommates and I finished getting ready, it started raining. Luckily, we rode the bus to a different beach. We decided to head to Waimea Beach, one of the prettiest beaches I've seen so far. It has a giant rock that people jump off of, it's really fun. Since the weather was a little stormy, the waves were ginormous! I'm not even exaggerating. I had waited at the shoreline while my friends jumped off of Waimea rock, and then suddenly, I got was dominated by the biggest wave I've ever seen. It's really fun when you float in the water and you ride the giant waves as they hit the shoreline.

This week has been a hard one. I miss my dear Maeser friends. I love chatting with them on Facebook. We've had some good times! Oddly enough, I miss wearing my uniform. I really do! I miss my plaid skirt and my student council sweater! I wore those things almost everyday...literally almost everyday. It was really hard shopping before I came to Hawaii because I had to relearn how to compose a decent looking outfit. More than missing my uniform, I miss my teachers.
I miss whining to Mrs. Frampton about my life every five minutes. (I also miss quilting..good times)
I miss Cam's ADD.
I miss Gerber's "organized chaos". (But really. More organized than you would think)
I miss Mr. Christensen's love of life. (I hope you all understand what I mean! haha)
I miss watching Mr. Dowdle give uniform violations as freely as we give Halloween candy.
I miss Mrs. MacDuff and all of our "your mom" jokes. (I miss your mom's "your mom" jokes)
My teachers were really the highlight of my high school experience.
I also miss Seussical.
I miss the crappy soccer field.
I miss commons.
I miss seeing my friends every class period.
I miss driving Whitley everywhere.
There are so many weird things about high school that I miss.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
I am loving my life the way it is, and I miss you all on the mainland. And I do not feel sorry for your freezing butts. You should have moved to Hawaii long ago.
Farewell, my good friends and family.
And in case I miss you:
Good morning, good afternoon and goodnight. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Heaven On Earth

Every morning I wake up to the trees bristling in a cool, Hawaiian breeze. Breathing in the salty ocean air, I open my eyes to a bird full of song, sitting on the big tree right outside my window. Every single morning I wake up, I think, life is good. Because it is. 
When you're at home, in your bubble, you don't realize how big the world truly is. You don't realize that people actually live on a gorgeous island full of attractive Polynesians and probably more than a million beach cruiser bikes. You don't imagine that someone is swimming with the sea turtles and clown fish while you're at the movie theaters, or that someone is climbing coconut trees while you're sitting on the couch reading this blog post. The world is larger than words. 
I've been gone now for a month and four days, but I've learned more about myself within this last month than I did my whole four years in high school. Of course high school was the stepping stone to get here, and I did learn a great deal about myself, but being here has completely opened my eyes to a brand new me I never knew before. 

FUN FACT- For anyone who doesn't know, "ha" means the breath of life, so when you say "Aloha" to someone, you're actually giving them the breath of life. 

Just last week I bought a red beach cruiser bike, then  I figured out the chain needed to be replaced, so I rode to Ace and bought a new bike chain (which, may I say, is EXTREMELY annoying to replace). When you're away from home, you don't realize you can't call dad and whine to him about your bike chain until he fixes it.

Everything here is different. Completely diverse. But I love every single difference. Rush hour traffic is worse, but drivers more kind; everything is at least $5 more expensive, but nobody has money anyway; people give up bus seats for strangers; swimming with sea turtles is common; bikes are the easy way around. It is so heavenly, nature so prevalent. I suppose with the addition of family and friends, this is what heaven is like. Do you know what a gecko sounds like? I do. I see one on my bedroom walls every morning. They make noises similar to birds. 

I am an adult now, I have responsibilities. CRAZY, right? But I must get to completing some busy work, or math homework, same thing, right? I bid everyone a good night, although you're probably in bed already because I'm four hours behind most of you. So, in case I miss you, good morning, good afternoon and good night! (If you don't understand the reference, I might cry).
